Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowman Sampler

My sister Shawna found this idea in the Paper Crafts magazine and YES we cut all these out by hand!! Now that I have a handy dandy Silhouette - I would let it do all the work of cutting out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Name Blocks

My sisters and I made Name blocks a couple of years ago during a girl's weekend. This is the BEFORE picture:
And this is the AFTER picture. I recently updated them by removing the previous vinyl lettering and adding scrapbook paper. They are great for teacher's gifts as seen below:or for friends:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Neighbor Gifts

These cute little snowmen can be altered using several different things. I've seen people make small ones out of Rolo's or Lifesavers and I've seen larger ones made out of the large Hershey bars. We drink a lot of the Crystal Light and I knew there had to be something that I could do with them.
I started collecting them during the summer and I had plenty by Christmas.
The printable can be found HERE. I then used some scraps of material to make the scarf and I used some fleece for the hats. You can either sew or glue the fleece into a tube. Place the hat on the container and tie off the top with raffia. I attached a small bell to the raffia but that is totally optional. I also made a small label that fit on the lid that said "Merry Christmas from your flaky neighbors"

Friday, November 28, 2008

Altered Clipboards

These make great teacher gifts. My kids LOVE to play school so I made one for them too!! There's a tutorial HERE

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our theme for Young Women in Excellence was Dressed for Eternity and we focused on preparing for the temple and the 3 white dresses.
Because we are ALWAYS on a budget, we purchased iron on transfers and used them for the temple image and words.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Magnetic Board

We made these for a Super Saturday. We have a place here in town that is great about cutting the sheet metal for us crafters. We had them "fold" over the edges on this one and punch the holes for the ribbon. Last time I checked, it was $6.50 for a 12x12 piece with edges folded and holes punched. Then we just added some vinyl lettering to the bottom. I found these cute wooden pieces already painted at Roberts. I just glued a magnet to the back and i was DONE!!! Super easy and perfect for small children to have their own little magnetic board for pics.