
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Treats!!!

For all you "older" ladies out there - do you remember going trick or treating and coming home with all different kinds of popcorn balls?  I kinda miss that tradition and so after some advice from a neighbor - I decided to tackle this one.  Let's be honest - I couldn't hand out popcorn balls to ALL the kids who come to my house (I probably get close to 300)  However I did make about 150 popcorn balls for my ward members and their kids.

In this day - you just don't know if you dare have your kids eat anything that is not prepackage but my friend game me an idea.  I printed labels that said, "Happy Halloween from the Wilkinsons) and stuck them on each popcorn ball.  That way the parents would know where they came from and just might let the kids eat them.  haha.

It's funny because when we were kids - it was so exciting to get ANYTHING that wasn't homemade and now it is a treat to get something homemade.  I loved seeing how excited all the neighbor kids were when they got the popcorn balls.  Definitely something I will try again next year!

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