
Saturday, January 15, 2011

YW Room

I looked around our Young Women room one Sunday as we were preparing to start and thought, "This room is very drab and does NOT reflect how bright and beautiful our young women are." Something must be done..hahaha!

We have a bulletin board in the front of the room and it had not long since been forgotten. There were several flower bouquets on the piano but their colors were a bit drab. (no offense to anyone out there!)

I wanted to see some color and energy in this room. Just so you know - I didn't take over the room - I did call the other YW presidents and make sure they were OK with changing things up a bit..and who wouldn't be - as long as they didn't have to do the work..hahaha!

Anyway - this isn't my best work - but it sure does brighten the room up.

I'm still a little unsure about the flower bouquet - but I tried a couple of things and nothing seemed to work - it looked very bare. Then I had the idea of gathering some branches from the park (the city had thinned out the trees and left the branches on the ground). I spray painted them black and glued my paper flowers onto them. It's not the best - but it's the best that I could on my budget with was NOTHING!! :)

I got the back picture frame from Walmart for $10. It was perfect with eight fore each young women value - how did I luck out?

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to tell you, my YW loved the new stuff! Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together!
