
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back to School Party

Wow!! It's hard to believe that it's time for the kids to go back to school!! The summer just FLEW by for us!!

Well, the girls wanted a back to school party so we thought up a few projects and invited the neighbor girls over..we ended up with about 14 girls.

We ended up making:
1) washer necklaces I was going to just let the girls modge podge them on and call it good but couldn't do it. They really do look so much better with the epoxy on them. So the girls glued on the paper and I put on the epoxy and we delivered them to the girls 2 days later

2) Back Pack Tag - Just used excess scrapbook paper and the clear badge protectors than can be found in the office dept at Walmart. I also printed out each girl's name so they could either use the typed name or write their own name on it. I found some colored key rings and they used those to attach them to their back packs.

3) Bubble Rings - I found a kit at Shopko that had EVERYTHING you needed. It was only $4.79 for 10 rings. I thought they would be a lot of fun - they looked cute but I have heard that a couple of the girls have broken. The paper on the back of the bubble rips and does not stay adhered to the ring. BUMMER! I think I could probably fix this for future rings by adding a coat of crystal accents to the bottom of the paper before gluing onto the ring.

4) Personalized Pens - I bought some cheap pens from Walmart. The kind that have the top that screw off. I had typed up their names and they could choose between their name or patterned paper.

So after all the crafts were done, the girls went downstairs and watched a movie. I think I overkilled on the popcorn - THREE different kinds. (Screaming Yellow Zonkers, Caramel Corn, and Marshmallow popcorn)

Anyway - it was a lot of fun. I hope the girls had as much fun as I did planning it!

A picture of some of the washer necklaces. I had the girls write their name on a piece of paper so I knew whose was whose.

Here's a pic that shows one of the back pack tags, washer necklaces, the rings, and the pens.
Goody bags all tied up and ready to go. I got them ready while the girls were watching their movie.

Necklaces drying in the sun...I had to take this picture just in case the wind blew them off the paper - so I would know whose was whose. And guess what - they did blow off and I had to used the picture.

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